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The Universe as seen by children under the Christmas tree

Two drawing contests organised by CERN to which local schools took part are now the subjects of a book

Tuesday, 15 December 2015



"If you had to draw me the Universe..." (original title "Si tu devais me dessiner l'Univers..."), what colour would it be? Would it be hot or cold? How many dimensions would it have?
These are a few of the numerous sometimes common, sometimes surprising themes explored in this book of drawings. 

"If you had to draw me the Universe... 50 questions for primary schools about the Universe, matter, researchers" ist the fruit of the "Draw me a physicist" (2009) and "Draw me the Universe" (2014) drawing contests, both run in local schools of Pays de Gex and Geneva canton. The popularity of these activities was such that the organisers thought the works deserved to be in a book, which would compile a selection of drawings CERN received and for which publishing authorisations were obtained. 

The pupils had met CERN personnel to ask them questions with their own child words. Answers were then illustrated with their works. A philosophical, cultural or literary quote closes each page with a poetic touch.
Among the children's questions: What are stars made of? Does space never end? Are particules alive? Why do the laws of physics never change? 

A perfect educational collection to offer for the holiday season!

The book is available in bookstores (see http://cern.ch/go/situdevaismedessinerlunivers).